Le Bal Des Voleurs - 2017
For this performance, we revisited Jean Anouilh, this time with Le Bal des Voleurs, a romantic comedy that recognizes the absurdity of life, and the first play by Anouilh to be a hit in New York when presented Off-Broadway in 1955. Rich Lady Hurf and her sassy nieces Eva and Juliette are bored by the 1930s summer season at Vichy, but the arrival of some rather dishy young men and the quizzical commentary provided by a period musical trio (Les Trois Moustiquaires) livens things up. Further spice is added by revelations that the boys are apprentice thieves in multiple disguises under the tutorship of the conscientious but inept Peterbono; Lady Hurf appears to accept his subsequent appearance as a Spanish duke, whereas she roundly rebuffs the equally inept attempts by failing bankers the Dupont-Duforts (father-and-son) to get in on the chase for the girls and their money. Silly wigs, fake facial hair and the determination of anglophile Lord Edgard to involve Scotland Yard in confirming his suspicions lead to further complications; a touch of true romance and some wry glances at its more usual failings leave us guessing as to what is real and what is illusion in this most theatrical of romps.

Cast -
Hector / don Hector – Luke Evans
Eva – Katy Wright
Le crieur public – Ralph Yarrow
The chaisière / Peterbono / le duc de Miraflor – Claudine Tourniaire
La jeune fille / Gustave / dom Petrus / don Pedro – Jack Waterman
Les gendarmes – Charli Corrigan, Amie Marie, Jess Slater
Juliette – Isla Rae-Smith
Lady Hurf – Dani Limon
Lord Edgard- Roger Baines
Dupont-Dufort père – Charlotte Incardona
Dupont-Dufort fils – Liam-Antoine de Busschère
La petite fille/ le détective – Grace Appleby

Musicians – Suzie and Bobby Hanna; Dr Nick Johns
Direction and design – Ralph Yarrow
Production manager – Claudine Tourniaire
Choreography – Gordon Turner
Production assistants – Ghalia Hemrit, Anne Untereiner
Publicity and schools liaison – Roger Baines, Claudine Tourniaire
Lighting operator – Valerie Smith
Costumes – Ralph Yarrow, Claudine Tourniaire, Anne Giles / Sewell Barn
Poster – Alice Evans
Transport / logistics – Tim Tracey
Front of house – Flora Abd Rabo, Ashley Bourke, Claire Cuminatto-Stone, Judith Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Anne Untereiner, Yuan Xin EE
Programme – Claudine Tourniaire
Filming – Matt North
Photography - Ilse Renaudie, Kit Young, Roger Baines
Thanks to Scott Brown, Rob Little, Chad Mason, Tom Francis