L’Avare (Molière) 2019
L’Avare, five-act comedy by Molière, first performed in 1668 and published in 1669. The plot concerns the classic conflict of love and money. The miser Harpagon wishes his daughter Elise to marry a wealthy old man, Anselme, who will accept her without a dowry, but she loves the penniless Valère. Harpagon himself has set his eye on young, impoverished Mariane, whom his son Cléante also loves... Only a ludicrously lucky set of circumstances can, in the final scene, save the hapless children from their father’s heartless stinginess. Although L’Avare is usually considered to be a comedy, its tone is one of absurdity and incongruity rather than of gaiety.

Valère – Luke Evans
Elise – Claire Cuminatto
Cléante – Jack Waterman
Harpagon – Erwann Limon
La Flèche – Enrique Munoz Delange
Maître Simon – Wendy Smith
Frosine – Flora Abd Rabo
Dame Claude – Nigel Utton
Brindavoine – Kim Tang
La Merluche, the banker – Neil Allanach, Keith Bradley
Maître Jacques – Claudine Tourniaire
Mariane – Eva Garbarz
The Nun – Dani Limon
Le Commissaire – Nassima Atmaoui-Fischer
Anselme – Roger Baines

Direction and design – Ralph Yarrow, Erwann Limon
Production manager – Claudine Tourniaire
Publicity and schools liaison – Roger Baines, Ilse Renaudie, Claudine Tourniaire
Website – Roger Baines
Set building – Rachel and Erwann Limon
Lighting and sound operator – Zoe Callow, Marguerite Vernet
Stage managers – Neil Allanach, Keith Bradley
Costumes – Anne Giles / Sewell Barn, Rachel Limon, Claudine Tourniaire
Choreography – Wendy Smith
Musical direction – Bob and Suzie Hanna, Erwann Limon
Poster – Elise Limon
Programme – Claudine Tourniaire
Photo – Andi Sapey
Filming – Bert Eke
Front of house – Patrick Allen, Inès Boukhlif Yahia, Ho Lau, Elisa Marinas-Martinez, Charlotte Monvoisin, Agniete Radziunaite, Bénédicte Rebouillat, Ilse Renaudie

Thanks also to Tim Lawrence-Cave, Christina James, and
James Sawrey-Cookson
Scroll down for short extracts and photo gallery

Act 3 Scene 12

Act 4 Scene 7
Act 5, Scenes 6, 7