Tueur sans gages (Eugène Ionesco), 2000
An unknown assassin stalks the City of Light, threatening to destroy Bérenger’s vision of order and harmony. Who or what is this menacing force and when will it strike next?
Ionesco was always haunted both by an intangible sense of the hope of perfection and by ‘le soleil noir de la mélancolie’. Will the Architect’s City or Mother Pipe’s Green Goose Party deliver, or are all such structures inherently deadly?
The ideal, the surreal, the absurd and the banal interfere with each other in this condensed version.
Cast -
Bérenger - Roger Baines
L’Architecte - Claudine Tourniaire
Dany/La Factrice - Sophie Delena
La Patronne/L’Agent no.1 - Sophie Gerlach
Le Clochard/M. Lelard - Paul Vines
La Concierge/La Mère Pipe - Dani Limon
L’Homme no 1/Le Soldat - Carl Lavery
Edouard - Fred Dalmasso
Le Vieillard - Vincent Capet
L’Agent no.2 - Philippe Oster
Le Tueur - Nola Merckel
Mise en scène - Ralph Yarrow
Son et Lumières - Dom Savage
Affiche - Melanie Lavery
Réalisation du film - Mathieu Ripka